Climate change is real, and its causes are known as well as understood. As a brand, we aim to have a roadmap to sustainability that will be our compass keeping us focused to take the right decisions.
We try to use recycled and recyclable materials as much as possible in our manufacturing process.
We prioritize suppliers with eco-friendly practices, even if they’re pricier than their competitors.
A portion of our profits will be donated to NGOs addressing climate change.
We strive to make our processes energy efficient.
We aim to inspire others to adopt sustainable practices in business and everyday life.
We've partnered with "Trees for the Future", a US-based NGO that aligns perfectly with our values and goals. They're working to create a "Green Belt" across West to East Africa, addressing desertification, empowering women, and training farmers on sustainable cultivation practices.

We pledge to donate a significant portion of our watch sales to the organization. Every watch we sell will finance the planting of 212 trees through For every 100 watches sold, we anticipate the planting of at least 2120 trees. The donation for every 100 timepieces sold will 
Sequester 360 kg of Carbon Dioxide annually
Produce 340 kg of Organic Fruits & Vegetables annually
Rehabilitate 2,900 sqm of agricultural land.
We do know this though: we can't do it alone. We need your help to make this vision a reality. By supporting Magana and our mission, you're not just buying a watch – you're investing in a sustainable future for our planet.